Friday, February 29, 2008

Hospital Bans Smoking - Smokers Polute Neighborhood

To understand why I get so frustrated with smokers, check out the guy midway through this interview who just flicks his cigarette butt onto the sidewalk and could care less, which reflects back on reason #2: Smoker's Litter.


... said...

While I understand that you are distressed and concerned about the negative effects of smoking, I feel that hyperbolized propaganda is not the best way to address the issue.

Stress has severe consequences as well, that not only affect the individual but can cause harm to others.

Why not post coping mechanisms and alternate solutions instead?

Many venues, both federal and independent, have support networks.

1-800-QUIT-NOW can be a place to start. Ohio Tobacco Quit Line offers free provisions and support for smokers.

On the other hand, a win-win situation would be to have tobacco companies to put less pollutants and harmful chemicals in cigarettes, and find healthier alternatives. It would be more expensive and difficult changes for the company, but I'd be interested in collaborating towards finding alternate methods for companies.

... said...

By the way, I am putting up some of your lung pictures around smoking areas, with citation. It can't hurt to warn people.

Non Smoking Fan said...

... Thanks for your very informative post. You are correct, stress has many severe consequences as well.

In an effort to help smokers quit, I do have a quit smoking resources section on the right of the blog. I'll add to the list.

While the blog is just my personal opinion about smoking, I am open to any and all comments. I truly wish the world was free of smoking. I've witnessed it's devastating effects on the human body first hand, and don't believe anyone should have to go through what a relative of mine went through - all because of smoking.

Again, thanks for your comments.

Non Smoking Fan